
When couples go through a divorce, the effects can be life-changing. The dissolution of a marriage can be an emotional time. It also will involve many other factors that change with it.

If children are part of the family, child custody and child support will need to be decided upon. Other factors, such as alimony or spousal support, may need to be resolved as well. These types of payments are made so that the dependent spouse can live on their own without being in financial trouble. They need the help of the independent spouse during this time. These types of payments can become a heated subject matter between spouses since they are sometimes resentful toward one another and do not want to pay money to help the other. This is why the court decides on the matter.

Courts take many factors into the consideration of spousal support. They work to ensure that the decision is a just and fair one. The court wants to make sure the dependent spouse has adequately met their needs. As a firm that practices in divorce law, we can provide you with the representation you need to fight for spousal support. We want to ensure that you are taken care of in the best possible way. Let us help you receive the compensation you deserve. We can also help independent spouses from being taken advantage of for their ability to provide.

What are the different forms of alimony payments?

Alimony laws have changed to no longer allow for the financial compensation to be permanent. Depending on each situation, there may be a reason to alter the alimony payments or stop the payments for good. There are four types of spousal support.

Open durational alimony is another form of payment that was previously defined as permanent alimony. This is for couples who were married for longer periods of time. To meet this requirement, the couple had to have been married for over 20 years. Although it is no longer permanent, there is no specific end date set for the payments. Modifications and adjustments can be made to open durational alimony. Factors that can influence the payments include the remarriage of the dependent spouse, cohabitation, the payor spouse becoming disabled or unemployed or the dependent spouse becoming financially independent.

Limited duration alimony is for couples that have been married for less than 20 years. New Jersey law requires that the payments are not allowed to be made longer than the marriage lasted. As with open durational alimony, there are factors that can modify or terminate the payments being made.

Rehabilitative alimony is designed for situations in which the dependent spouse has deferred their career goals in support of the other party’s success and for the benefit of the family. This form of payment requires funds to pay for schooling or vocational training for the dependent spouse to increase their earning capacity.

Reimbursement alimony is a structure of support that includes funds to reimburse one spouse for having financially supported the other spouse’s pursuit of an education or vocational training during the marriage.

When dealing with these types of situations, it can be an emotional time. A professional attorney can help take the stress off your shoulders and provide you with the best options. Contact our attorneys for all your alimony needs. We want to make sure that you are able to support yourself.

If you require strong legal representation for matters of divorce and family law in New Jersey, contact The Law Offices of Paone, Zaleski & Murphy to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced attorneys today.