After divorces are decided upon, marital issues need to be solved in order for the spouses to carry on with their separate lives. Issues regarding child custody, child support, alimony and more will be decided on. With these issues, they may be for a certain time period. There are certain guidelines that each individual must follow to ensure that they are fulfilling the role they agreed to. When marital issues are solved, individuals are legally obligated to follow the outcomes that were made to resolve the issue. These are court-ordered mandates, meaning they can be held responsible if they refuse to follow the guidelines accordingly.
Since situations can change as time goes on, there is room for modifications of marital issues. The modifications may not necessarily be the fault of one party, but it may occur naturally as each spouse carries on independently. If a spouse believes that a change should be made based on their situation, they can have it altered by filing a motion with the court.
How can my spouse be forced to follow court orders?
During divorce proceedings, court orders are made that must be followed. If these are not followed, they can be enforced. If a former spouse is failing to keep up with child support or alimony payments, you have the ability to file a motion with the court to follow up with this case. You also have this right for child custody cases. If they are not cooperating, they may be held in contempt of court. This can jeopardize their current arrangement and may cause it to be modified.
Why are modifications made?
Modifications to marital issues can be made for a variety of issues. As life goes on, the lives of individuals changes. Some individuals are no longer able to keep up with certain arrangements. For child custody arrangements, it is important to follow the proper agreement. However, the child’s behavior can have a big influence on how this goes. If you believe the child is acting aggressively due to their time with their other parent, you should seek the counsel of an attorney to help you file a motion with the court. Changes to other marital issues involving monetary compensation can also be altered due to unemployment, death and more.
If you require strong legal representation for matters of divorce and family law in New Jersey, contact The Law Offices of Paone, Zaleski & Murphy to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced attorneys today.