The spread of the Coronavirus in the state of New Jersey caused Governor Phil Murphy to mandate a stay-at-home order. This requires all residents to self isolate within their homes and temporary close all non-essential businesses. It is because of these changes that people and families’ lives are being impacted in more ways than one. For many, this can include a job and income loss. This can make it hard for divorced families when one parent has to keep up with alimony or child support payments during this time.
It is important to know that, when facing this matter, former spouses and parents are still required to make these payments as long as the court requires it. Payments should not stop unless there is a formal order or agreement from the court. While this is true, modifications can be made in order to adjust the amount or frequency of payments. This can be done to make sure the payments are better suited to the individual’s new financial circumstances. The options available can vary person to person, which is why it is best to speak with an attorney to understand what can be done.
Contact our Firm
If you require strong legal representation for matters of divorce and family law in New Jersey, contact The Law Offices of Paone, Zaleski & Murphy to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced attorneys today.