When a couple decides to dissolve their marriage, they usually anticipate a challenging process of determining contentious issues such as child custody, child support, spousal support, and the division of assets. However, they often overlook the difficulties of co-parenting, which can lead to frustration as they try to move forward with their new life. Like divorce, co-parenting is never easy, especially when your ex won’t cooperate. Nevertheless, you must make an effort to be a good co-parent and be willing to work out your issues with your former spouse to prioritize your child’s best interests. If you have difficulty overcoming conflicts over co-parenting with your ex, contact our determined Monmouth County Child Custody Attorneys, who can help you find co-parenting solutions.
How to handle co-parenting problems after a divorce in New Jersey?
If you and your ex cannot see each other without exchanging negative comments or fighting, you may find it helpful to set pick-ups and drop-offs in public spaces. Unfortunately, you have no control over your former spouse’s behavior. However, you do have control over your own. Therefore, you should be polite in front of your child to ensure they do not feel uncomfortable. When children see you fighting, they often blame themselves, and this guilt can result in anxiety. Therefore, do not allow them to provoke you into a dispute; stick to short, neutral conversations. If you know a specific topic will bait your former spouse into an argument, do not mention those topics. If you are fighting because your former spouse does not adhere to the terms of your custody agreement, you should inform your attorney, as they can help you safeguard your child’s best interests and request modifications to your current parenting schedule.
Constantly criticizing your former spouse’s parenting can have a negative impact on your child’s overall well-being. Children need consistency, so you must be on the same page regarding discipline, bedtimes, and policies. You should agree on how you will parent your child, as, in some cases, when one parent is more lenient, children are more likely to pick sides. Regardless of what you think about your ex, they have a right to parenting time. Therefore, you should respect how they decide to run their household. However, it is beneficial to create mutual expectations to ensure you provide your child with consistency. Furthermore, you must communicate with your former spouse. Although you may be harboring resentment, you need to put your feelings aside to help ensure your children know their parents both love and care for them.
If you are dealing with co-parenting issues and require strong legal representation, contact the child custody attorneys from Paone Zaleski & Murphy today. Our firm is committed to helping our clients prioritize their children’s best interests.