Here at The Law Offices of Paone, Zaleski & Murphy, we believe that there is no field of law more personal than matters involving divorce or family law. This is why our firm has dedicated our practice to helping individuals in Middletown and throughout New Jersey navigate various family and divorce law matters for over 30 years. Please continue reading and contact Paone, Zaleski & Murphy today to learn more about what a Middletown divorce lawyer can do for you.
Divorce Lawyer in Middletown, New Jersey
The Law Offices of Paone, Zaleski & Murphy can help you through various divorce-related matters, including the following:
- Distribution of Assets: Oftentimes, both spouses wish to retain certain marital assets in their divorce. This can make the equitable distribution process quite complicated, which is why you need experienced legal assistance on your side.
- Modification and Enforcement: In the months or years after a divorce, things often change, and if you believe your initial divorce agreement is now impractical or does not reflect your current situation, our firm can work to receive a modification on your behalf.
- Spousal Support: Financially dependent spouses often require spousal support, or alimony, to help them continue their standard of living. Our firm can help secure the alimony payments you need.
- Divorce with a Business: Business owner divorces are notoriously complex, and even if you are the sole owner of a business, your spouse may be entitled to a part of that business. No matter which side of the divorce you are on, it is critical that you retain experienced legal counsel to represent your best interests.
- High Net Worth Divorces: If you or your spouse own more than $1 million of assets, you are in a high net worth divorce. With so much at stake, you need a seasoned attorney at your side.
The Law Offices of Paone, Zaleski & Murphy also handle various family law issues, including the following:
- Child Support: Child support is such a critical family law issue because when a financially dependent parent is awarded child custody, he or she often will not have the means to raise that child on their own. Our firm is ready to fight for the child support that you and your family need.
- Child Visitation: If you were denied child custody, you may still be entitled to scheduled visitation so you can continue to play a role in your child’s life until you are better able to do so full or part-time.
- Child Custody: No parent wants to imagine losing custody of their child. If you are currently seeking child custody, our firm can present you in the best light possible to help ensure you retain legal custody of your child.
- Relocation: Relocation with a child is often a complex issue, and if your former spouse does not give you permission to do so, you will have to hire an attorney who can prove to the courts that relocation is in your child’s best interests.
- Domestic Violence: Domestic violence is, unfortunately, something that still occurs far more than any of us would care to say. If you are a victim of domestic violence, our firm, and the local police are ready to fight for your right to a safe, worry-free life.
- Modification and Enforcement: As long as we can prove that your life or your child’s life has changed significantly and for the foreseeable future since your initial family law agreement, we can work to obtain a modification to that agreement to better suit your current needs.
Contact Our NJ Divorce Firm Today
The Law Offices of Paone Zaleski & Murphy has served clients in Middletown and throughout New Jersey for over 30 years. We know that divorce and family law matters are both time-sensitive and vital to the well-being of you and your family. If you need guidance from an experienced legal team for a divorce or family law matter, contact Paone, Zaleski & Murphy today.