When a divorce happens, the former spouses are expected to move on with their lives. However, this can be difficult to do when their lives have been tied together for so long. This may be financially or if the couple has children. It is because of this that a spouse may be required by the court to make support payments after the divorce is final. These payments can be made to a spouse, known as spousal support, or a child, which is child support. Sometimes it a spouse can even be required to make both payments. These help financially assist these parties as they did before the divorce so that their life may continue as normal as possible.
Spousal Support
When couples are together for a long time, they often combine their finances and assets. There are some situations in which a family may have a single income, as one spouse works and the other is the caregiver of the home. When this happens, one spouse may be financially dependent on the other. In the event of a divorce, this can leave the dependent spouse in an unfair financial situation, as they do not have an income of their own.
This is why the independent spouse may owe support payments to the dependent spouse. This is known as spousal support, or alimony. These payments allow the dependent spouse to live comfortably without worry as they begin to rebuild their life on their own and gain independence. In the state of New Jersey, there are different types of alimony that depend on the relationship in question. This can include open durational alimony, limited duration alimony, rehabilitative alimony, and reimbursement alimony.
Child Support
When a couple has children together, child support payments become a part of their divorce settlement. A child’s custodial parent is required to provide them with a stable life. This includes a home, clothes, food, an education, and more. The cost of living for a child can become expensive for one parent to take care of by themselves. This is why both parents must financially assist their child after a divorce in New Jersey. This requires the non-custodial parent makes payments to the custodial parent for expenses relating to their child. This allows the child to have the same standard of living they were accustomed to before the divorce.
Parents are required to pay child support their child until they reach the age of emancipation. Usually, this age is 19 years old in New Jersey. However, it can vary depending on the needs of the child. There are circumstances under which a court may decide to extend support payments. This may be if it is proven that a child cannot support themselves yet. To end support payments, a parent must petition the court to establish that their child is emancipated. If the court agrees, support payments can end.
Contact our Firm
If you require strong legal representation for matters of divorce and family law in New Jersey, contact The Law Offices of Paone, Zaleski & Murphy to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced attorneys today