
The process of divorce in its entirety can be very complicated and emotionally draining. It usually requires a great deal of time and patience from all parties involved. When going into these situations, it is important for spouses to be aware that there are different types of divorce that they can go through with to separate their lives from one another. Those facing such an important time in their lives should retain the services of an experienced New Jersey divorce attorney for guidance. 

Contested Divorce

Spouses who are entering a divorce on rough terms often need to divorce through litigation. This is often the case if a spouse cites “fault” grounds in the divorce, meaning the other spouse was involved in situations relating to adultery, habits of intoxication, abuse, desertion, or prison sentences of 5+ years. These cases tend to require the assistance of the court in order to complete the process, as spouses are unable to reach agreements on their own. This is what is referred to as a contested divorce. In these situations, a judge is given the right to make decisions regarding matters of child support, child custody, the division of property, alimony, etc. 

Uncontested Divorce

Alternatively, there are many spouses who are able to work together to reach agreements regarding their marital issues. This may be the case in situations where spouses cite “no-fault” grounds, not holding either party responsible for the end of their marriage. When this happens, spouses do not necessarily have to divorce through litigation in court. Instead, they have other options available to them that allow them to divorce outside of the courtroom. This can include the following:

  • Mediated Divorce: The option of mediation allows couples to negotiate their marital issues with the help of an unbiased third party who listens to both sides and helps reach agreements. When arrangements are made regarding the future, the mediator can present them to the court to be approved into law. 
  • Collaborative Divorce: This takes place during a series of four-way meetings in which spouses are joined by their attorneys to help reach agreements regarding their marital issues.
  • Arbitration: This process also involves a third party who, instead of mediating, acts as a judge. This individual makes the final decisions regarding marital issues on behalf of 

Contact our Firm

If you require strong legal representation for matters of divorce and family law in New Jersey, contact The Law Offices of Paone, Zaleski & Murphy to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced attorneys today.