Divorces are often contentious, and they affect all parties involved, especially children. In many cases, bad blood between spouses will prompt them to badmouth their former spouse to their children when they share custody. Whether these statements are true or false does not matter, and this behavior is unacceptable, and it is known as parental alienation. If you believe that your child is the victim of parental alienation, you must continue reading and speak with our New Jersey family law attorneys to learn more about how we can help. Here are some of the questions you may have:
What are some of the most common types of parental alienation?
There are many ways in which a parent can work to sabotage the relationship their child has with their other parent. In many cases, certain parents will overtly badmouth their former spouse to their child, telling them unsavory facts, or lies, about the other parent in an effort to assert their superiority over the other parent. However, in other cases, parents may use more passive tactics and will make little, seemingly-insignificant comments about the parent over time that will eventually add up and cause the child to form a negative opinion of the parent. Sometimes, parents will pretend to “save” their child from certain situations where, in fact, the other child did not need saving at all, and was actually being sufficiently cared for and looked after. If you notice this behavior occurring, you are most likely now wondering what you can do to prevent it. Our firm is here to help.
What can I do to prevent parental alienation from occurring?
To prevent parental alienation, the first course of action you should take is simply speaking with your former spouse and telling them that you see what’s happening and that you think it should stop, in the best interests of your child. However, if this does not cause the behavior to stop, you should then consider hiring a knowledgeable Rumson family law attorney who can work to file a motion with the courts in an attempt to modify your child custody agreement on the grounds that badmouthing you to your child violates the core of your custody agreement (always acting in your child’s best interests) as this behavior is proven to cause serious emotional problems in children. In some cases, we can even fight for sole custody in an effort to shield your child from this harmful behavior. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to give our knowledgeable team of attorneys a call today. We are here to help.
If you require strong legal representation for matters of divorce and family law in Rumson, Monmouth County, or anywhere in New Jersey, contact The Law Offices of Paone, Zaleski & Murphy to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced attorneys today.